Manfred Tscheligi – born 1962 in Villach, Carinthia (Austria) – is professor for Human-Computer Interaction & Usability at the University of Salzburg, directing the ICT&S Center (Center for Advanced Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies & Society) and also affiliated to the department of computer science (where he acts as deputy head of department). He leads the Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Unit as well as the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Contextual Interfaces.
More than 25 years of experience
Besides a master in Business Informatics (University of Vienna) he also holds a Ph.D. in Social and Economic Science (University of Vienna, specialisation in Applied Computer Science). Manfred Tscheligi is the founder and director of CURE, the Vienna (Austria) based Center for Usability Research & Engineering which is an independent research organization. Furthermore he is the founder, owner and managing director of USECON, an internationally active usability & user experience engineering consultancy company.
Before that he worked as an Associate Professor for Applied Computer Science at the University of Vienna (Institute for Computer Science and Business Informatics). Manfred Tscheligi has been working in the area of Interactive Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability Engineering, User Interface Design and User Experience Research for more than 25 years. He is a pioneer in establishing this field in Austria (in university education, as a research field as well as an industrially applied field).
He is also an internationally renowned representative of this field. As well as successfully managing numerous research and industrial projects (among these more than 20 EC projects) he established national and international initiatives in this field.
Conference – and programme committees
Manfred Tscheligi has been a member of different expert groups (e.g. SIGCHI Conference Management Committee, Mobile HCI Steering Commitee). Besides memberships in several conference and programme committees he was the General Conference Co-Chair of CHI2004, the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human-Factors in Computing Systems (the leading conference in the field).
He was also the Conference Chair of MobileHCI 05 held in Salzburg and the Conference Co-Chair on the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007 (ACE), further the Conference Co-Chair of EuroITV2008 and of the AmI09 (Europen Conference on Ambient Intelligence) and was chairing AutomotiveUI 2011.
Publications and Speaker activities
Manfred Tscheligi is author of several publications, a distinguished speaker at conferences and seminars and has been teaching at several universities and technical colleges. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of “Interacting with Computers” (Elsevier), is a member of the Editorial Board of the Book Series “Human-Computer Interaction” (Kluwer/Springer) and acted as Special Column Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of the ACM Interactions Magazine.
Gerhard studied commercial sciences at the economic University of Vienna with focus on the development of companies and organizations. After he accomplished his studies, he received a research fellowship to participate at working on a project of the University of Vienna. After the project has been successfully conducted, Gerhard operated in the area of financial accounting at a transport company and at a travel agency.
From 2001 on, he was fully responsible for the whole accounting at the research institute CURE – Center for Usability and Research Engineering as well as for integral financial concerns in fields of national and international research projects. Additionally, he successfully accomplished the ARS Bilanzbuchhalter Akademie between 2014 and 2016.
Expertise & Business Focus
Since 2001 Gerhard has been responsible for all aspects of financial management at CURE and USECON and supports the executive management significantly in administrative and legal concerns. He’s been part of USECON up from the beginning for the fields of accounting, balancing, finance and controlling. Beyond, he’s a governmentally certified accountant.
Nationale und internationale Forschungsprojekte bei USECON
SHOTPROS, 2019-2022: SHOTPROS is an EU funded research project that aims to improve the “decision – making and action process” of European police officers in stressful and high – risk situations enhanced by a virtual reality training program.
Privacy & Us, 2016 – 2019: The Privacy & Usability (Privacy & Us) EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network will fund 13 PhD studentships with a duration of 36 months.
LAW-TRAIN, 2015 – 2018: LAW-TRAIN is a project funded by the EU Commission, which is supposed to be used for intercultural Interrogation Trainings of European Security Authorities to fight international drug crime
Gensisys, 2014 – 2016:In the framework of the FFG funding program Femtech, a guideline has been developed in order to evaluate security critical workplaces in a method-based way concerning gender- and diversity-related aspects.
ECT, 2013 – 2016: Conception and Development of an Experience Crowd Sourcing Tool (Open Innovation)