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Already in the phase before the actual development starts, it makes sense to involve a user centred view in the project. Only a planned starting point guarantees that any following steps lead to a satisfying result, avoid mistakes in decisions and hence also avoid additional costs later. 

So the right questions to ask – already at the beginning of the project – are for example:

  • What exactly makes your interface, service or product valuable for the users?
  • What kind of requirements, needs, barriers and expectations do your users and customers have?
  • Which ones are the existing resp. potential user groupds?
  • Are there any prospects, which you – as project manager – can not take?
  • In which situations and contexts will your system or product be used?
  • Do you know your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses? What kind of inputs can you gain from this?
  • What are the trends and developments and what kind of findings does science offer at the moment?

Questions and answers in the phase of analysis

In the phase of analysis, we answer these questions, make place for the perspective of the people and define which needs, expectations and wishes are connected with your system.

Services in the phase of analysis (excerpt)

To evaluate the starting point of your project, we offer – individually matching your situation – the following services:

Requirements- and task analysis

These methods are dealing with investigating the requirements, needs and tasks of the users. Specification sheets will be written and concrete information for the following phases will be collected.

User analysis and user research studies

Get to know more about your target groups and users, learn from studies about usage and satisfaction – we will offer you insights on what your customers want and how well their needs are met.

Customer Experience touchpoint check

Being in contact with your company, a customer has various touchpoints with it and each one does add to the whole Customer Experience. We analyse these touchpoints and develop an adequate (service) design solution to improve the Customer Experience of your users sustainably. To do this, we use – for example – the Experience Tool Smaply.

Eye Tracking studies

Experience your point of sales, your world of experience or website/application through the eyes of your customers. The evaluation of the gazing behaviour shows, what your customers (don’t) see. Get an overview about our services in the fields of Eye Tracking.

Focus groups and User workshops

With the use of qualitative methods, user based inputs will be collected via discussions, brainstorming, group tasks, etc and evaluated. This will enlarge your knowledge about your customer’s needs and ideas, hence you will gain an important advantage in competition.

Context Interviews, observtions and ethnographical studies

Gain valuable insights in the actual usage of your system or product: these studies offer details information about the use of your system within the familiar context of the user (e.g. at home, at work, in the industrial sector…) For mobile ethnografic studies, the Experience Tool ExperienceFellow as proven itself.

Online surveys and enquiries

With online surveys about market research subjects, a bigger sample is possible and results are interpreted quantitavely.

Personas, use cases and scenarios

We give your target group and your users a “face”, resp. work flows and processes will be defined and visualised. These results are the basis for successful Experience Design and user centred decisions.

User Experience Studies

We measure the experience of your customers with your system with various research methods (e.g. friendly customer phases, diary studies, experience capturing,…) over a longer period of time. The focus lies on differen user scenarios and essential User Experience factors like satisfaction, emotion, trust…

User Voice Review – Social Media

You are also part of the activity on social media – people are talking about you. We collect input to the Usability & User Experience of your products and services of user comments and opinions in various social media networks (forum, facebook, communities,etc…) and develop concrete recommendations for action.

Competition- und Market Analysis

Compare yourself to your competitors and learn about your strengths and potentials from a user’s point of view. With user centred comparative studies you will gain concrete input on how to increas your competitiveness.