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Customer Experience projects for Lidl Austria

Being since 1998 in Austria, Lidl is an established supermarket-discounter with more than 200 stores. Its focus lies on hiqh-quality products from local supplies. Also when investing in infrastructure, Lidl hires local companies. Hence it is obvious that they also hire a local company like USECON when it comes to User Research & Customer Experience projects.

User Research & Insights

USECON supports Lidl Austria in the fields of User & Customer Experience as well as User Research with methods like mobile and stationary Eye Tracking. As part of a multi-channel experience study, we conducted experience interviews, mobile eye tracking and a store-check analysis – including trail tracking – directly on the point of sale (in the store). Afterwards a comparative Customer Experience Study of all touchpoints like website, leaflets and store have been planned and initiated.

Touchpoint Analysis

Because of this, new customer and user insights could be gained and it was possible to improve the experience of the various touchpoints of Lidl Austria significantly. All strategies and concepts have been developed – considering any Usability and User Experience criteria – to meet the needs of all Lidl-target groups (customers and non-customers).

Development of Multi-Channel- and Customer Experience Solutions

In various, connected projects, we have been able to support our client Lidl Austria in the fields of multi-channel and customer experience strategy for the touchpoints website, leaflets and store (point of sale) in the best possible way.

IAA Effie Bronze Award 2013 for Lidl Austria

We are glad to congratulate Lidl Austria to win the IAA Effie Bronce Award in the category „Commerce“. The IAA Effie Award is part of the world-wide recognized and sought-after award for advertising and market communication.

More information on Effie Award.