We are very looking forward to a series of exiting national and international events in the fields of Customer Experience, User Experience and digitalization. Meet us at conferences, business meet-ups and training sessions, we are curious to get to know you!
20.3.2018 – Vienna Business Agency
On March 20th, the Business Treff „Smart Recruiting“ is organized in Vienna by the Vienna Business Agency in close cooperation with the HR Tech Vienna. There will be a diversified programme like webinars in the morning or the actual Business Treff in the afternoon. Markus Murtinger will provide an inspiring food for thought with his keynote entitled “Employee Experience – The future of Customer Experience”. This event mainly addresses people in charge of human resources.
For registration and detailed information please visit the website of the Vienna Business Agency.
26.-27.4.2018 – weXelerate – Startup & Innovation Hub
“Inspiration for clients’ relationships in digital change“ as leading topic of the CRM & CX Forum in Vienna, organized by Business Circle from April 26th to 27th. Look forward to live demos, innovation workshops, start-up meet-ups and curiosity sessions.
Markus Murtinger holds a workshop about “Persuasion and Gamification“. The aim of this workshop is to clarify strategies in terms of gamification and persuasion and to create hands-on case studies.
Registration to the conference and accordingly to USECON’s workshop is possible at the event’s website. Please note, USECON’s customers will receive a special discount of 50% of the registration fee by using the code “USECON”.
18.-21.6.2018 – University College London
The 4th Privacy & Us Training Event will take place in London from 18th June to 21st June. The event is hosted by University College London (UCL), London’s leading multidisciplinary university. The Privacy & Us Training Network trains 13 creative, entrepreneurial and innovative “Early Stage Researchers” (ESRs) to reason, design and develop innovative solutions to questions related to the protection of citizens’ privacy – considering the multidisciplinary and intersectoral aspects of the subject. The ESRs will be trained to master future and current challenges in the area of Privacy and Usability.
Michael Bechinie, Head of Experience Design at USECON and tutor of one ESR will be on-site to support with his well-founded expertise.
Further information about the project Privacy & Us.
26.-28.6.2018 – Rio Mar, Puerto Rico
In June we will be off to the sunny south! We are excited to enjoy a bit of the Caribbean flair and immerge into the international user experience community. The UXPA International Conference is for every working professional and student that touches UX in some way, whether it is via design, development, product management or research.
Since Puerto Rico has been hit by hurricane Maria, it was not sure if the conference is going to be hold in this location. Curious about our conference program?
Michael Bechinie will attend the conference in his role as Regional Director Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) in the Board of Directors of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA International).
With this in mind, Viva la Puerto Rico and the UXPA 2018!
2.-5.9.2018 – Internationales Congress Center Dresden
THE event for UX professionals in the German speaking community! The Mensch und Computer conference (Human and Computer) is an annual conference organized by the German Informatics Society and the German Usability Professionals Association (German UPA).
On the subject of „Interaction connects everyone“, the main scope of the conference is to connect people with other IT professionals, keep in touch with the latest trends in the field of HCI, interface design and usability.
Further information and the call for papers are provided at the event’s website.
For further global events addressing the topic of User Experience, please visit the website of the German Usability Professionals Association.
Where you will always find us, is when you book a Training with us. The current dates for the Certification for Usability & User Experience Professional are online – click through it to find the date that suits you or ask Gerhard Helletzgruber.