Markus Murtinger and Katharina Rainer from More than Metrics presented at this year’s Human-Computer-Conference in Regensburg „Increased Employee Experience with mobile Ethnography“.
The content of the joint talk is based on an internal employee experience study USECON has done in the last year, which was made possible by the mobile app ExperienceFellow from More than Metrics. This tool enables enterprises to evaluate employee satisfaction and improve it adequately. Employees can record with the help of an “online diary” their daily touchpoints in image or in text, rate it, upload documents or flag their location. This can happen anonymously or with a name, just like the employee wishes.
Markus Murtinger described in his talk the starting point and motivation of USECON, the design of the study, the executed process and the possibilities of evaluation as well as their methodology, concrete results and implemented actions taken. The study has not only been implemented for the satisfaction of the employess but has also been used as a pilot study to use the mobile app as an extension of the portfolio for customers in the future.
The presentation of Markus and Katharina can be read online, as well as the case study.
USECON was also at the MUC 2017 with a talk about Design for Privacy.